Centre for Savings and Credit Cooperatives (saccos) Management @ Golden Fortune International Training and Development Institute provides excellence in SACCOs Training and Development through:
- Review of existing savings policies
- A training program for management on best practices in the provision of micro savings services and discussions of options for their organization
- The development of recommendations on savings product design and delivery procedures, including an analysis of the operational implications of introducing a savings service
- The drafting or editing of a policy and procedures manual for savings
- A half day or one-day training workshop for board members on the global micro finance sector worldwide and discussion of key performance indicators and how their organizations compare with leading micro finance institutions
- Drafting of a new board member orientation manual (optional)
- Lending methodology review
- Delinquency management and loan tracking
- Savings service development and mobilization strategies
- Workshops includes a self-evaluation process, short presentations on governance best practices and participative dialogue for members to reach consensus on policies to be adopted
- Drafting of a governance policies and procedures manual (optional)
- Assistance with establishing a development department including job descriptions, required skills and alternative staffing strategies
- Coaching and mentoring development department staff on the steps and process for effective new product development
- The establishment of an annual research agenda, including such components as
- An evaluation of the existing methodology for loan services, paying particular attention to issues of client service, loan portfolio quality, productivity and efficiency
- A series of workshops with field staff to review findings and discuss enhancements
- To redesign or enhancement of loan products and delivery procedures
- Drafting or editing policies and procedures manual for lending services
- Design (and were applicable) delivery of staff training workshops to implement the new methodologies
- Loan product design
- Loan pricing and calculation of effective interest rates
- Delinquency management; portfolio at risk; provisioning and write off policies
- Understanding financial statements
- Adjustments for inflation and subsidies on the financial statement
- Designing a manual loan tracking system
- Management reports and portfolio quality reports
- Integrating manual and computerized information systems
- Designing report formats for computerized systems
- Review of existing DMS and requisitioning new DMS
- Review of the lending methodology and development of an internal audit manual
- Review of financial policies and procedures and analysis of default
- Training branch and regional managers in low level internal audit procedures
- Training HQ finance dept staff in high level internal audit procedures
- A thorough analysis of historical loan loss performance and identification of causes of high loss rates
- An evaluation of existing mechanisms for managing delinquency including, for example, collateral alternatives, client incentives and sanctions, follow –up procedures, staff incentives and monitoring reports and practices
- A review of the provision and write-off accounting policies for loan losses
- The development of recommendations of strengthening loan portfolio
- Quality
- Identification of staff training needs
- Design of a training programmed for the organization
- Design of organization specific training materials for operational and financial staff
- Running of training courses
- Efficiency ratios
- Productivity ratios
- Viability ratios
- Profitability ratios
· Break-even pricing formula program planning and evaluation
- Engendering development
- Cooperative development and management
- Savings and credit union management
- Project planning and management
- International course on rural micro finance
- Credit management
- Risk management
- Management of corporate fraud
- Participatory rural appraisal
- Financial planning and control
- Management development for banks and financial institutions
- Financial management
- Budgeting and budgetary control
- Financial planning and control for cooperatives
- International course on finance and banking for development
- International course in security management
- International course in philanthropy
- Financial management for donor funded projects
- Community development management course
- Local government financial management and administration
- Audit of computerized accounting systems
- Treasury management
- Financial management in the public sector
- Prevention, analysis and detection of corporate fraud
- Advanced financial management
- Managing the internal audit function
- Development banking credit management and administration
- Strategic planning and performance management