The Centre for Manpower Legislation and Labour Relations

The Centre for Manpower Legislation and Labour Relations at Golden Fortune International Training and Development Institute is a vital cog that provides training and education on labour law, labour relations, and employment relations.

Training and education

Course in Industrial and Employment Relations

A course that teaches participants how to analyse theoretical approaches and apply them to create effective strategies for industrial and employment relations

Labour Relations & Labour Law Management

A program that covers topics such as budget preparation, payroll calculation, and benefits analysis

Labour Relations

A course that can be delivered in a face-to-face, mixed, or distance learning mode and cover topics such as :

Industrial relations

The scope and definitions of industrial relations, and how to apply tools and methodologies to improve labour-management relations

Employment relations

The employment relationship, employment protection legislation, and non-standard forms of employment

Labor law

The legal framework for industrial relations, and how to represent employers or workers in industrial relations

Labor administration

The services provided by labour administrations, and how to extend these services to workers in the non-formal sector

Occupational health and safety

The role of labour in occupational health and safety, and how to identify and address health and safety risks in the workplace

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