The Centre for Human Resources Development and Management @ Golden Fortune International Training and Development Institute is synonymous with advancing and professionalizing the HR profession, standards and practices by advocating for the development of appropriate standards of human resource management and development that reflect global conditions and interests of the workforce. The centre has crafted a concoction of a comprehensive suite of events, conferences, seminars, dialogues and sharing sessions that serve as springboard for corporations and individuals to find their own breakthroughs and transformations from discussions, exchanges, learning and networking. Our academic programs and workshops are also customized to cater to the dynamic learning needs of the current workforce. We aim to reach out to the different stratums of the workforce, from the professionals, managers, executives, technicians (PMETs) to the mature and retrenched workers, and those who are into career transitions. The centre seeks to provide stakeholders with the resources and avenues to enhance their competency and competitive levels to maintain employability. Key sectors cover the following:
- Training needs analysis
- Manpower auditing
- Customer care
- Development of business plan
- Development of marketing plans
- Product development packaging and pricing
- Gender sensitisation and awareness
- Gender analysis
- Supervisory development
- Training of trainers
- Industrial relations
- Workers committee training
- Impact assessment
- Recruitment and selection services
- Performance management and appraisal
- Public relations a customer care
- Management development programme
- Conflict and change management
- Communication in organisations for increased productivity.
- Personnel and Human Resources Management
- The Executive Development management
- Staff motivation, compensation and morale
- criterion referenced techniques
- management of training
- design and development of training materials
- customer care and public relations
- performance management
- supervisory management
- strategic management
- conflict management
- labour relations
- grievance procedures
- training techniques
- sexual harassment
- interactive training technologies
- strategic management and marketing of training
- meeting procedures and report writing
- communication for team building
- manpower and labour legislation
- training needs identification and analysis
- time management and personal planning
- faculty skills development program
- management development
- senior management development
- seminar on strategic approach to managing change and development
- managing the training function for performance improvement
- human resources planning
- staff performance appraisal for productivity improvement
- modern techniques of managing worker’s committees
- management of industrial relations
- training of trainers
- human resources management and development
- advanced program on management of training
- advanced human resources management and development
- training in psychology, guidance and counseling
- remuneration, pension and employee benefits course
- pension and insurance scheme management course
- facilitation and presentation skills for trainers and advocates
- strategic management and corporate governance
- occupational health and safety
- criterion referenced techniques
- management of training
- design and development of training materials
- customer care and public relations
- performance management
- supervisory management
- strategic management
- conflict management
- labour relations
- grievance procedures
- training techniques
- sexual harassment
- interactive training technologies
- strategic management and marketing of training
- meeting procedures and report writing
- communication for team building
- manpower and labour legislation
- training needs identification and analysis
- time management and personal planning
- faculty skills development program
- management development
- senior management development
- seminar on strategic approach to managing change and development
- managing the training function for performance improvement
- human resources planning
- staff performance appraisal for productivity improvement
- modern techniques of managing worker’s committees
- management of industrial relations
- training of trainers
- human resources management and development
- advanced program on management of training
- advanced human resources management and development
- training in psychology, guidance and counseling
- remuneration, pension and employee benefits course
- pension and insurance scheme management course
- facilitation and presentation skills for trainers and advocates
- strategic management and corporate governance
- occupational health and safety